Order of battle IRGD, 10th May 1940

The Infantry Regiment GrossDeutschland was probabbly (together with the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler) the most powerful motorized infantry of the German Army on May, 10th, 1940. Each infantry platoon had 4 combat squads and an AT rifle. In addition to the 3 infantry battalions, the I.R.G.D had a heavy weapon battalion instead of an heavy weapon company. This 4th battalion had:
        - one light infantry gun company (13th company) with 6 75mm infantry guns
        - one anti-tank company (12th company) with 12 37mm AT guns
        - one heavy infantry gun company (15th company) with 4 150mm infantry guns
        - one assault gun company (16th company) with 6 Sturmgeschutz StuG III (in May 1940, the StuG III is an experimental tank and only 3 units had been issued with a battery of 6 StuG II for combat testing of the new material).

In addition, the I.R.G.D had received a motorized assault engineer battalion: SturmPioneer Abteilung 43 with 3 assault companies and 1 bridge company.

(Graf v. Schwerin)
Nachschubkolonne Nachrichtenzug Kradzug Musikzug
I Abteilung
1 kompanie (Schwarzrock)
12 le MG
3 le GrWf
2 kompanie (Kolb)
12 le MG
3 le GrWf
3 kompanie (Fabich)
12 le MG
3 le GrWf
4 kompanie (Hänert)
12 s MG
6 s GrWf
II Abteilung
5 kompanie (Schneider)
12 le MG
3 le GrWf
6 kompanie (v. Courbière)
12 le MG
3 le GrWf
7 kompanie (Wackernagel)
12 le MG
3 le GrWf
8 kompanie (Bethke)
12 s MG
6 s GrWf
III Abteilung
9 kompanie (Westphal)
12 le MG
3 le GrWf
10 kompanie (v. Harder)
12 le MG
3 le GrWf
11 kompanie (Krüger)
12 le MG
3 le GrWf
12 kompanie (Grosser)
12 s MG
6 s GrWf
IV schweres Abteilung
13 kompanie (v. Massow)
6 le InfG 7.5cm
14 kompanie (Beck)
12 Pak 3.7cm
4 le MG
15 kompanie (März)
4 s InfG 15cm
16 kompanie (v. Egloffstein)
6 Sturmgeschutze 7.5cm

Luftlandeunternehmen NIWI in green.